Some Equations and R Code for Examining Intersectionality in Differential Item Functioning Analysis

A couple of papers came out last year that consider intersectionality in differential item functioning (DIF) analysis. Russell and Kaplan (2021) introduced the idea, and demonstrated it with data from a state testing program. Then, Russell, Szendey, and Kaplan (2021) replicated the first study with more data. This is a neat application of DIF, and I’m surprised it hasn’t been explored until now. I’m sure we’ll see a flurry of papers on it in the next few years.

Side note, the second Russell study, published in Educational Assessment, doesn’t seem justified as a separate publication. They use the same DIF method as in the first paper, they appear to use the same data source, and they have similar findings. They also don’t address in the second study any of the limitations of the original study (e.g., they still use a single DIF method, don’t account for Type I error increase, don’t have access to item content, don’t have access to pilot vs operational items). The second study really just has more data.

Why is the intersectional approach neat? Because it can give us a more accurate understanding of potential item bias, to the extent that it captures a more realistic representation of the test taker experience.

The intersectional approach to DIF is a simple extension of the traditional approach, one that accounts for interactions among grouping variables. We can think of the traditional approach as focusing on main effects for distinct variables like gender (female compared with male) and race (Black compared with White). The intersectional approach simply interacts the grouping variables to examine the effects of membership in intersecting groups (e.g., Black female compared with White male).

Interaction DIF models

I like to organize DIF problems using explanatory item response theory (Rasch) models. In the base model, which assumes no DIF, the log-odds $\eta_{ij}$ of correct response on item $i$ for person $j$ can be expressed as a linear function of overall mean performance $\gamma_0$ plus mean performance on the item $\beta_{i}$ and the person $\theta_j$:

$$\eta_{ij} = \gamma_0 + \beta_i + \theta_j,$$

with $\beta$ estimated as a fixed effect and $\theta \sim \mathcal{N}(\gamma_0, \, \sigma^{2})$. $\gamma_0 + \beta_i$ captures item difficulty, with higher values indicating easier items.

Before we formulate DIF, we estimate a shift in mean performance by group:

$$\eta_{ij} = \gamma_0 + \gamma_{1}group_j + \beta_i + \theta_j.$$

In a simple dichotomous comparison, we can use indicator coding in $group$, where the reference group is coded as 0 and the focal group as 1. Then, $\gamma_0$ estimates the mean performance for the reference group and $\gamma_1$ is the impact or disparity for the focal group expressed as a difference from $\gamma_0$. To estimate DIF, we interact group with item:

$$\eta_{ij} = \gamma_0 + \gamma_{1}group_j + \beta_{0i} + \beta_{1i}group_j + \theta_j.$$

Now, $\beta_{0i}$ is the item difficulty estimate for the reference group and $\beta_{1i}$ is the DIF effect, expressed as a difference in performance on item $i$ for the focal group, controlling for $\theta$.

The previous equation captures the traditional DIF approach. Separate models would be estimated, for example, with gender in one model and then race/ethnicity in another. The interaction effect DIF approach consolidates terms into a single model with multiple grouping variables. Here, we replace $group$ with $f_j$ for female and $b_j$ for Black:

$$\eta_{ij} = \gamma_0 + \gamma_{1}f_j + \gamma_{2}b_j + \gamma_{3}f_{j}b_j + \beta_{0i} + \beta_{1i}f_j + \beta_{2i}b_j + \beta_{3i}f_{j}b_j + \theta_j.$$

With multiple grouping variables, again using indicator coding, $\gamma_0$ estimates the mean performance for the reference group White male and $\gamma_{1}$, $\gamma_{2}$, and $\gamma_3$ are the deviations in mean performance for White women, Black men, and Black women, respectively, from the reference group. The $\beta$ terms are interpreted similarly but in reference to performance on item $i$, with $\beta_1$, $\beta_2$, and $\beta_3$ as DIF effects.

R code

Here’s what the above models look like when translated to lme4 (Bates et al, 2015) notation in R.

# lme4 code for running interaction effect DIF via explanatory Rasch
# modeling, via generalized linear mixed model
# family specifies the binomial/logit link function
# data_long would contain scores in a long/tall/stacked format
# with one row per person per item response
# item, person, f, and b are then separate columns in data_long

# Base model
glmer(score ~ 1 + item + (1 | person),
  family = "binomial", data = data_long)

# Gender DIF with main effects
glmer(score ~ 1 + f + item + f:item + (1 | person),
  family = "binomial", data = data_long)

# Race/ethnicity DIF with main effects
glmer(score ~ 1 + b + item + b:item + (1 | person),
  family = "binomial", data = data_long)

# Gender and race/ethnicity DIF with interaction effects
glmer(score ~ 1 + f + b + item + f:b + f:item + b:item + f:b:item + (1 | person),
  family = "binomial", data = data_long)

# Shortcut for writing out the same formula as the previous model
# This notation will automatically create all main effects and
# 2x and 3x interactions
glmer(score ~ 1 + f * b * item + (1 | person),
  family = "binomial", data = data_long)

In my experience, modeling fixed effects for items like this is challenging in lme4 (slow, with convergence issues). Random effects for items would simplify things, but we would have to adopt a different theoretical perspective, where we’re less interested in specific items and more interested in DIF effects, and the intersectional experience, overall.

Here’s what the code looks like with random effects for items and persons. In place of DIF effects, this will produce variances for each DIF term, which tell us how variable the DIF effects are across items by group.

# Gender and race/ethnicity DIF with interaction effects
# Random effects for items and persons
glmer(score ~ 1 + f + b + f:b + (1 + f + b + f:b | item) + (1 | person),
  family = "binomial", data = data_long)

# Alternatively
glmer(score ~ 1 + f * b + (1 + f * b | item) + (1 | person),
  family = "binomial", data = data_long)

While lme4 provides a flexible framework for explanatory Rasch modeling (Doran et al, 2007), DIF analysis gets complicated when we consider anchoring, which I’ve ignored in the equations and code above. In practice, ideally, our IRT model would include a subset of items where we are confident that DIF is negligible. These items anchor our scale and provide a reference point for comparing performance on the potentially problematic items.

The mirt R package (Chalmers, 2012) has a lot of nice features for conducting DIF analysis via IRT. Here’s how we get at main effects and interaction effects DIF using mirt:::multipleGroup and mirt:::DIF. The former runs the model and the latter reruns it, testing the significance of the multi group extension by item.

# mirt code for interaction effect DIF

# Estimate the multi group Rasch model
# Here, data_wide is a data frame containing scored item responses in
# columns, one per item
# group_var is a vector of main effect or interacting group values,
# one per person (e.g., "fh" and "mw" for female-hispanic and male-white)
# anchor_items is a vector of item names, matching columns in data_wide,
# for the items that are not expected to vary by group, these will
# anchor the scale prior to DIF analysis
# See the mirt help files for more info
mirt_mg_out <- multipleGroup(data_wide, model = 1, itemtype = "Rasch",
  group = group_var,
  invariance = c(anchor_items, "free_means", "free_variances"))

# Run likelihood ratio DIF analysis
# For each item, the original model is fit with and without the
# grouping variable specified as an interaction with item
# Output will then specify whether inclusion of the grouping variable
# improved model fit per item
# items2test identifies the columns for DIF analysis
# Apparently, items2test has to be a numeric index, I can't get a vector
# of item names to work, so these would be the non-anchor columns in
# data_wide
mirt_dif_out <- DIF(mirt_mg_out, "d", items2test = dif_items)

One downside to the current setup of mirt:::multipleGroup and mirt:::DIF is there isn’t an easy way to iterate through separate focal groups. The code above will test the effects of the grouping variable all at once. So, we’d have to run this separately for each dichotomous comparison (e.g., subsetting the data to Hispanic female vs White male, then Black female vs White male, etc) if we want tests by focal group.

Of course, interaction effects DIF can also be analyzed outside of IRT (e.g., with the Mantel-Haenszel method). It simply involves more comparisons per item than with the main effect approach where we consider each grouping variable separately. For example, gender (with two levels, female, male) and race (with three levels, Black, Hispanic, White) gives us 3 comparisons per item with main effects, whereas we have 5 comparisons per item with interaction effects.

After writing up all this example code, I’m realizing it would be much more useful if I demonstrated it with output. I try to round up some data and share results in a future post.


Bates, Douglas, Martin Mächler, Ben Bolker, and Steve Walker. 2015. Fitting Linear Mixed-Effects Models Using lme4. Journal of Statistical Software 67 (1): 1–48.

Chalmers, R. P. (2012). mirt: A multidimensional item response theory package for the R environment. Journal of Statistical Software, 48, 1–29.

Doran, H., D. Bates, P. Bliese, and M. Dowling. 2007. Estimating the Multilevel Rasch Model: With the lme4 Package. Journal of Statistical Software 20 (2): 1–18.

Russell, M., & Kaplan, L. (2021). An intersectional approach to differential item functioning: Reflecting configurations of inequality. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation26(21), 1–17.

Russell, M., Szendey, O., & Kaplan, L. (2021). An intersectional approach to DIF: Do initial findings hold across tests? Educational Assessment26, 284–298.

Community Engagement in Assessment Development

In a commentary article from 2021 on social responsibility in admission testing (Albano, 2021), I recommended that we start crowd-sourcing the test development process.

By crowd-sourced development, I mean that the public as a community will support the review of content so as to organically and dynamically improve test quality. Not only does this promise to be more transparent and efficient than review by selected groups, but, with the right training, it also empowers the public to contribute directly to assessing fairness, sensitivity, and accessibility. Furthermore, a more diverse population, potentially the entire target population, will have access to the test, which will facilitate the rapid development of content that is more representative of and engaging for historically marginalized and underrepresented groups. This community involvement need not replace or diminish expert review. It can supplement it.

The idea of crowd-sourcing item writing and review has been on my mind for a decade or so. I pursued it while at the University of Nebraska, creating a web app (, now defunct) intended to support educators in sharing and getting feedback on their classroom assessment items. We piloted the app with college instructors from around the US to build a few thousand openly-licensed questions (Miller & Albano, 2017). But I couldn’t keep the momentum going after that and the project fizzled out.

Also while at Nebraska, I worked with Check for Learning (C4L, also now defunct I believe), a website managed by the Nebraska Department of Education that let K12 teachers from across the state share formative assessment items with one another. The arrangement was that a teacher would contribute a certain number of items to the bank before they could administer questions from C4L in their classroom. If I remember right, the site was maintained for a few years but ultimately shut down because of a lack of interest.

In these two examples, we can think of the item writing process as being spread out horizontally. Instead of the usual limited and controlled sample, access is given to a wider “crowd” of content experts. In the case of C4L, the entire population of teachers could contribute to the shared item bank.

Extending this idea, we can think of community engagement as distributing assessment development vertically to other populations, where we expand both on a) what we consider to be appropriate content, and b) who we consider to be experts in it.

In addition to working with students and educators, engaging the community could involve surveying family members or interviewing community leaders to better understand student backgrounds and experiences. We might review outlines/frameworks together, and get feedback on different contexts, modes, and methods of assessment. We could discuss options for assessment delivery and technology, and how to best communicate regarding assessment preparation, practice at home, and finally interpreting results.

I am hearing more discussion lately about increasing community engagement in assessment development. The aim is to decolonize and create culturally relevant/sustaining content, while also enhancing transparency and buy-in at a more local level. This comes alongside, or maybe in the wake of, a broader push to revise our curricula and instruction to be more oriented toward equity and social justice.

I’m still getting into the literature, but these ideas seem to have taken shape in the context of educational assessment, and then testing and measurement more specifically, in the 1990s. Here’s my current reading list from that timeframe.

  • Ladson-Billings and Tate (1995) introduce critical race theory in education as a framework and method for understanding educational inequities. In parallel, Ladson-Billings (1995) outlines culturally responsive pedagogy.
  • Moss (1996) argues for a multi-method approach to validation, where we leverage the contrast between traditional “naturalist” methods with contextualized “interpretive” ones, with the goal of “expanding the dialogue among measurement professionals to include voices from research traditions different from ours and from the communities we study and serve” (p 20).
  • Lee (1998), referencing Ladson-Billings, applies culturally responsive pedagogy to improve the design of performance assessments “that draw on culturally based funds of knowledge from both the communities and families of the students” and that “address some community-based, authentic need” (p 273).
  • Gipps (1999) highlights the importance of social and cultural considerations in assessment, referencing Moss among others, within a comprehensive review of the history of testing and its epistemological strengths and limitations.
  • Finally, Shepard (2000), referencing Gipps among others, provides a social-constructivist framework for assessment in support of teaching and learning, one that builds on cognitive, constructivist, and sociocultural theories.


Albano, A. D. (2021). Commentary: Social responsibility in college admissions requires a reimagining of standardized testing. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 40, 49-52.

Gipps, S. (1999). Socio-cultural aspects of assessment. Review of Research in Education, 24, 355–392.

Ladson-Billings, G. (1995). Toward a theory of culturally relevant pedagogy. American Educational Research Journal32, 465-491.

Ladson-Billings, G., & Tate, W. F. (1995). Toward a critical race theory of education. Teachers College Record, 97, 47-68.

Lee, C. D. (1998). Culturally responsive pedagogy and performance-based assessment. The Journal of Negro Education67, 268-279.

Miller, A. & Albano, A. D. (2017, October). Content Camp: Ohio State’s collaborative, open test bank pilot. Paper presented at OpenEd17: The 14th Annual Open Education Conference, Anaheim, CA.

Moss, P. A. (1996). Enlarging the dialogue in educational measurement: Voices from interpretative research traditions. Educational Researcher, 25, 20-28.

Shepard, L. A. (2000). The role of assessment in a learning culture. Educational Researcher, 29, 4-14.

EMIP Commentaries on College Admission Tests and Social Responsibility by Koljatic, Silva, and Sireci

I’m sharing here my notes on a series of commentaries in press with the journal Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice (EMIP). The commentaries examine the topic of social responsibility (SR) in college admission testing, in response to the following focus article, where the authors challenge the testing industry to be more engaged in improving equity in education.

Koljatic, M., Silva, M., & Sireci, S. (in press). College admission tests and social responsibility. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice.

I enjoyed reading the commentaries. They are thoughtful and well-written, represent a variety of perspectives on SR, and raise some valid concerns. For the most part, there is agreement that we can do better as a field, though there is disagreement on the specifics.

There are 14 articles, including mine. I’m going to list them alphabetically by last name of first author, and give a short summary of the main points. Full references are at the end.

1. Ackerman, The Future of College Admissions Tests

  • Ackerman defends the testing industry, saying we haven’t ignored SR so much as we’ve attended to what is becoming an outdated version of SR, one that valued merit over high socioeconomic status. We haven’t been complacent, just slow to change course as SR has evolved. This reframing serves to distribute the responsibility, but the main point from the focus article still stands, standardized testing is lagging and we need to pick up our feet.
  • Ackerman recommends considering tests of competence, perhaps something with criterion referencing, resembling Advanced Placement, though we still have to deal with differential access to the target test content.

2. Albano, Social Responsibility in College Admissions Requires a Reimagining of Standardized Testing

  • My article summarizes the debate around SR in admissions in the University of California (UC) over the past few years, with references to some key policy documents.
  • I critique the Nike analogy, pointing out how the testing industry is more similar to a manufacturer, building shoes according to specifications, than it is to a distributer. Nike could just as easily represent an admissions program. This highlights how SR in college admissions will require cooperation from multiple stakeholders.
  • The suggestions from the focus article for how we address SR just scratch the surface. Our goal should be to build standardized assessment systems that are as openly accessible and transparent as possible, optimally having all test content and item-level data available online.

3. Briggs, Comment on College Admissions Tests and Social Responsibility

  • Briggs briefly scrutinizes the Nike analogy, and then contrasts the technical, standard definition of fairness or lack of bias with the public interpretation of fairness as lack of differential impact, acknowledging that we’ve worked as a field to address the former but not so much the latter.
  • He summarizes research, including his own, indicating that although coaching may have a small effect in terms of score changes, admission officers may still act on small differences. This suggests inequitable test preparation shouldn’t be ignored.
  • Briggs also recommends we consider how college admissions improves going forward with optional or no testing. Recent studies show that diversity may increase slightly as a result. It remains to be seen how other admission variables will be interpreted and potentially manipulated in the absence of a standardized quantitative measure.

4. Camara, Negative Consequences of Testing and Admission Practices: Should Blame Be Attributed to Testing Organizations?

  • Camara highlights how disparate impact in admissions goes beyond testing into the admission process itself. Other applicant variables (eg, personal statements, GPA, letters of recommendation) also have limitations.
  • He also says the focus article fails to acknowledge how industry has already been responsive to SR concerns. Changes have been made as requested, but they are slow to implement, and sometimes they aren’t even utilized (eg, non-cognitive assessments, essay sections).

5. Franklin et al, Design Tests with a Learning Purpose

  • Franklin et al propose, in under two pages, that we design admission tests to serve two purposes at once, including 1) teaching, in addition to 2) measuring, which they refer to as the original purpose. Teaching via testing is accomplished via formative feedback that can guide test takers to remediation.
  • As an example, they reference a free and open-source testing system for college placement ( that provides students with diagnostic information and learning resources.
  • This sort of idea came up in our conversations around admissions at the UC. As a substitute for the SAT, we considered the Smarter Balanced assessments (used for end-of-year K12 testing in California), which, in theory, could provide diagnostic information linked to content standards.
  • Measurement experts might say that when a test serves multiple purposes it risks serving none of them optimally. This assumes that there are limited resources for test development or that the multiple purposes involve competing interests and trade-offs, which may or may not actually be the case.

6. Geisinger, Social Responsibility, Fairness, and College Admissions Tests

  • Geisinger gives some historical context to the discussion of fairness and clarifies from the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA, APA, & NCME, 2014) that the users of tests are ultimately responsible for their use.
  • He contrasts validity with the similar but more comprehensive utility theory from industrial/organizational psychology. Utility theory accounts for all of the costs and impacts of test use, and in this way it seems to overlap with what we call consequential validity.
  • Geisinger also recommends we expand DIF analysis to include external criterion measures. This idea also came up in our review of the SAT and alternatives in the UC.

7. Irribarra et al, Large-Scale Assessment and Legitimacy Beyond the Corporate Responsibility Model

  • Irribarra et al argue that admission testing is not a product or service but a public policy intervention, in which case, it’s reasonable to expect testing to have a positive impact. They don’t really justify this position or consider the alternatives.
  • The authors outline three strategies for increasing legitimacy of admission testing as policy intervention, including 1) increased transparency (in reporting), 2) adding value (eg, formative score interpretations), and 3) community participation (eg, having teachers as item writers and ambassadors to the community). These strategies align with the recommendations in other articles, including mine.

8. Klugman et al, The Questions We Should Be Asking About Socially Responsible College Admission Testing

  • This commentary provided lots of concrete ideas to discuss. I’ll probably need a separate post to elaborate.
  • In parsing the Nike analogy, Klugman et al note, as do other commentaries, that testing companies have less influence over test use than a distributor like Nike may have over its manufacturers. As a result, the testing industry may have less leverage for change. The authors also point out that the actual impacts of Nike accepting SR are unclear. We shouldn’t assume that there has been sustained improvement in manufacturing, as there is evidence that problems persist, and it could be that “Nike leadership stomps out scandals as they pop up” (p 1).
  • Klugman et al cite a third flaw in the Nike analogy, and I would push back on this one. They say that, whereas consumers pressured for change with Nike, the consumers of tests (the colleges and universities who use them) “are not demanding testing agencies dramatically reenvision their products and how they are used” (p 2). While I agree that higher education is in the best position to ask for a better testing product, I disagree that they’ve neglected to do so. Concerns have been raised over the years and the testing industry has responded. Camara and Briggs both note this in their commentaries, and Camara lists out a few examples, as do commentaries from ACT and College board (below).
  • That last point might boil down to what the authors meant by “dramatically reenvision” in the quote above. It’s unclear what a dramatic reenvisioning would entail. Maybe the authors would accept that changes have been made, but that they haven’t been dramatic enough.
  • Next, Klugman et al argue that corporate SR for testing companies is “ill-defined and undesirable” (p 2). The gist is that SR would be complicated in practice because reducing score gaps would conflict with existing intended uses of test scores. I was hoping for more discussion here but they move on quickly to a list of recommendations for improving testing and the admissions process itself. Some of these recommendations appear in different forms in other commentaries (focus on content-related validity and criterion referencing, reduce the costs of testing, consider how admissions changes when we don’t use tests), and there was one I didn’t see elsewhere (be careful of biases coded into historical practices and datasets that are used to build new tools and predictive models).

9. Koretz, Response to Koljatic et al: Neither a Persuasive Critique of Admissions Testing Nor Practical Suggestions for Improvement

  • As the title suggests, Koretz is mostly critical of the focus article in his commentary. He reviews its limitations and concludes that it’s largely unproductive. He says the article missteps with the Nike analogy, and that it doesn’t: clarify the purposes and target constructs of admission testing, acknowledge the research showing a lack of bias, give evidence of how testing causes inequities, or provide clear or useful suggestions for improving the situation.
  • Koretz also questions the general negative tone of the focus article, a tone that is evident in key phrases that feel unnecessarily cynical (that’s my interpretation of his point) as well as a lack of support for some of its primary claims (insufficient or unclear references).

10. Lyons et al, Evolution of Equity Perspectives on Higher Education Admissions Testing: A Call for Increased Critical Consciousness

  • Lyons et al summarize how perspectives on admission testing have progressed over time from a) emphasizing aptitude over student background to b) emphasizing achievement over aptitude, and now to c) an awareness of opportunity gaps and d) recognition of more diverse knowledge and skills.
  • The authors argue that systematic group differences in test scores are justification for removing or limiting tests as gatekeepers to admission. They don’t address the broader issue of the admission process itself being a gatekeeper to admission.
  • They end (p 3) with suggestions for expanding selection variables to include “passion and commitment, adaptability, short-term, and long-term goals, ability to build connections and a sense of belonging, cultural competence, ability to navigate adversity, and propensity for leadership and collective responsibility.” They also concede that “Academic achievement, as measured by standardized tests, may be useful in playing a limited, compensatory role, but always in partnership with divergent measures that value and represent multiple ways of knowing, doing, and being.”
  • The authors don’t acknowledge that testing companies are already exploring ways to measure these other variables (discussed, eg, in the Mattern commentary), and admissions programs already try to account for them on their own (eg, via personal statements and letters of recommendation). It’s unclear if the authors are suggesting we need new standardized measures of these variables.

11. Mattern et al, Reviving the Messenger: A Response to Koljatic et al

  • The authors, all from ACT, respond to focus article suggestions that the testing industry 1) review construct irrelevance and account for opportunity to learn, 2) explore new ways of testing to reduce score gaps, and 3) increase transparency and accountability generally.
  • They discuss how the testing industry is already addressing 1) by, eg, aligning tests to K12 curricula, asking college instructors via survey what they expect in new students, and documenting opportunity to learn while acknowledging that it has impacts beyond testing.
  • They interpret 2) as a call from the focus article to redesign admission tests themselves so that they produce “predetermined outcomes,” which Mattern et al reject as “unscientific” (p 2). I don’t know that the focus article meant to say that the tests should be modified to hide group differences, but I can see how their recommendations were open to interpretation. Rather than change the tests, Mattern et al recommend considering less traditional variables like social and emotional learning.
  • Finally, the authors respond to 3) with examples of their commitment to transparency, accountability, and equity. The list is not short, and ACT’s level of engagement seems pretty reasonable, more than they’re given credit for in the other commentaries.

12. Randall, From Construct to Consequences: Extending the Notion of Social Responsibility

  • Randall advocates for an anti-racist approach to standardized testing, in line with her EMIP article from earlier this year (Randall, 2021), wherein we reconsider how our current construct definitions and measurement methods sustain white supremacy.
  • Randall questions the familiar comparison of standardized testing to a doctor or thermometer, pointing out that decision-making in health care isn’t without flaws or racist outcomes, and concluding that the admission testing industry has “failed to… see itself as anything other than some kind of neutral ruler/diagnostic tool,” and that “the possibility that the test is wrong” is something that “many in the admission testing industry are resistant to even considering” (p 1).
  • I appreciate Randall’s critique of this analogy. I hadn’t scrutinized it in this way before, and can see how it oversimplifies the issue, granting to tests an objectivity and essential quality that they don’t deserve. That said, Randall seems to oversimplify the issue in the opposite direction, without accounting for the ways in which industry does now acknowledge and attempt to address the limitations of testing.
  • Randall recommends that, instead of college readiness, we label the target construct of admission testing as “the knowledge, values, and ways of understanding of the white dominant class” (p 2). I don’t know well the critical theory literature behind recommendations like this and I’m curious how it squares with research showing that achievement gaps are largely explained by school poverty. It would be helpful to see examples of test content, in something like the released SAT questions, that uniquely privilege a student’s whiteness separately from their wealth background.

13. Walker, Achieving Educational Equity Requires a Communal Effort

  • Walker summarizes points of agreement with the focus article, eg, standard practices are only a starting point for navigating SR in testing, and testing companies can be more engaged in promoting fair test use, including by collaborating with advocacy groups. Walker highlights the state of Hawaii as an example, as they implemented standards and assessments that better align with their Hawaiian language immersion schools.
  • He also critiques and extends the arguments made in the focus article, saying that our traditional practice in test development and psychometrics “represents a mainstream viewpoint that generally fails to account for the many social and cultural aspects of learning and expression” (p 1). Referring to the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA, APA, & NCME, 2014), he says, “the Standards can only advocate for a superficially inclusive approach to pursuing an exclusive agenda. Thus, any test based on those standards will be woefully inadequate with respect to furthering equity” (p 2).
  • Walker, referring to a report from the UC, argues that admission tests already map onto college readiness, as evidenced in part by correlations between test scores and college grades. Critics would note here that test scores capitalize on the predictiveness of socioeconomic status, and, in the UC at least, they do so more than high school grades do (Geiser, 2020). Test scores measure more socioeconomic readiness than we might realize.
  • Walker concludes that equity will require much more than SR in testing. He says, “Any attempt to reform tests independently of the educational system would simply result in tests that no longer reflected what was happening in schools and that had lost relevance” (p 2). In addition to testing, we need to reevaluate SR in the education system itself. He shares a lot of good examples and references here (eg, on classroom equity and universal design).
  • Finally, Walker refers to democratic testing (Shohamy, 2021), a term I hadn’t heard of. He says, “testing should be a democratic process, conducted in collaboration and cooperation with those tested” (p 2). Further, “everyone involved in testing must assume responsibility for tests and their uses, instead of leaving all the responsibility in the hands of a powerful few” (p 2). This point resonates well with my recommendations for less secrecy and security in testing, and more access, partnership, and transparency.

14. Way, An Evidence-Based Response to College Admission Tests and Social Responsibility

  • The authors, both from College Board, highlight how the company is already working to address inequities through fee waivers, free test prep via Khan Academy, the Landscape tool, etc. By omitting this information, the focus article misrepresents industry.
  • Regarding the focus article’s claim that industry isn’t sufficiently committed to transparency and accountability, the authors reply, “There is no clear explanation provided as to what they are referring to and the claim is simply not based on facts.”
  • The authors recommend that the National Council on Measurement in Education form a task force to move this work forward.


Here are a few themes I see in the focus article and commentaries.

  1. The focus article and some of the commentaries don’t really acknowledge what has already being done in admission testing with respect to SR. Perhaps this was omitted in the interest of space, but, ideally, a call for action would start with a review of existing efforts (some of which are listed above) and then present areas for improvement.
  2. The Nike analogy has some flaws, as can be expected with any analogy. It still seems instructive though, especially when we stretch it a bit and consider reversing the roles.
  3. As for next steps, there’s some consensus that we need increased transparency and more input, from diverse stakeholders, in the test development process.
  4. Improving SR in admission testing and beyond, so as to reduce educational inequities, will be complicated, and has implications for our education system in general. Though not directly addressed in the articles, the more diverging viewpoints (testing is pretty good vs inherently unjust) probably arise from a lack of consensus on broader issues like meritocracy, the feasibility of objective measurement, and the role of educational standards.

I’m curious to see how Koljatic, Silva, and Sireci bring the discussion together in a response, which I believe is forthcoming in EMIP.

References for Commentaries

Ackerman, P L. (in press). The future of college admissions tests. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice.

Albano, A. D. (in press). Social responsibility in college admissions requires a reimagining of standardized testing. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice.

Briggs, D. C. (in press). Comment on college admissions tests and social responsibility. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice.

Camara, W. J. (in press). Negative consequences of testing and admission practices: Should blame be attributed to testing organizations? Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice.

Franklin, D. W., Bryer, J., Andrade, H. L., & Liu, A. M. (in press). Design tests with a learning purpose. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice.

Geisinger, K. F. (in press). Social responsibility, fairness, and college admissions tests. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice.

Irribarra, D. T., & Santelices, M. V. (in press). Large-scale assessment and legitimacy beyond the corporate responsibility model. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice.

Klugman, E. M., An, L., Himmelsbach, Z., Litschwartz, S. L., & Nicola, T. P. (in press). The questions we should be asking about socially responsible college admission testing. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice.

Koretz, D. (in press). Response to Koljatic et al.: Neither a persuasive critique of admissions testing nor practical suggestions for improvement. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice.

Lyons, S., Hinds, F., & Poggio, J. (in press). Evolution of equity perspectives on higher education admissions testing: A call for increased critical consciousness. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice.

Mattern, K., Cruce, T., Henderson, D., Gridiron, T., Casillas, A., & Taylor, M. (in press). Reviving the messenger: A response to Koljatic et al. (2021). Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice.

Randall, J. (in press). From construct to consequences: Extending the notion of social responsibility. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice.

Walker, M. E. (in press). Achieving educational equity requires a communal effort. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice.

Way, W. D., & Shaw, E. J. (in press). An evidence-based response to college admission tests and social responsibility. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice.

Other References

American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, & National Council on Measurement in Education (2014). Standards for educational and psychological testing. Lanham, MD: American Educational Research Association.

Geiser, S. (2020). SAT/ACT Scores, High School GPA, and the Problem of Omitted Variable Bias: Why the UC Taskforce’s Findings are Spurious.’s

Randall, J. (2021). “Color-neutral” is not a thing: Redefining construct definition and representation through a justice-oriented critical antiracist lens. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice.

Shohamy, E. (2001). Democratic assessment as an alternative. Language Testing, 18(4), 373–391.

Commentary Article on College Admission Testing in EMIP

The journal Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice (EMIP) is publishing commentaries on a focus article on College Admission Tests and Social Responsibility (Koljatic, Silva, & Sireci, in press, The authors critique how the standardized testing industry has disengaged from efforts to reduce educational inequities.

Here’s the abstract to my commentary article (also in press,, where I argue that Social Responsibility in College Admissions Requires a Reimagining of Standardized Testing.

As college admissions becomes more competitive in the United States and globally, with more applicants competing for limited seats, many programs are transitioning away from standardized testing as an application requirement, in part due to the concern that testing can perpetuate inequities among an increasingly diverse student population. In this article, I argue that we can only address this concern by reimagining standardized testing from the ground up. Following a summary of the recent debate around testing at the University of California (UC), I discuss how my perspective aligns with that of Koljatic et al. (in press), who encourage the testing industry to accept more social responsibility. Building on themes from the focus article and other recent publications, I then propose that, to contribute to educational equity, we must work toward testing that is more transparent and openly accessible than ever before.

Some Comments on Renewable or Non-disposable Assessment

If an assignment goes into the recycle bin, but there’s no one there to hear it, does it still make a sound?

I heard about renewable or non-disposable assessment a few years ago at the Open Education Conference, and I’ve seen it mentioned a few times since then in blog posts and papers, most recently a paper in Psychology Teaching and Learning by Seraphin et al.

It looks like David Wiley may have coined the terms disposable and renewable assignments. He wrote about them in a blog post on open pedagogy in 2013, and in another post in 2016.

The premise is that educational assessment often has limited utility outside the classroom experience, because it’s designed primarily to inform instruction and/or grading. Whether it’s an essay on the merits of school uniforms or an observational study of lady bugs, once the assignment is completed, we dispose of student work and move on.

In the 2013 post, Wiley says disposable assignments “add no value to the world.” And in the 2016 post he elaborates.

Try to imagine dedicating large swaths of your day to work you knew would never be seen, would never matter, and would literally end up in the garbage can. Maybe you don’t have to imagine – maybe some part of your work day is actually like that. If so, you may know the despair of looking forward and seeing only piles of work that don’t matter. And that’s how students frequently feel.

In contrast, non-disposable assessment (NDA) requires that students contribute to something beyond their individual coursework. The essays could be featured in the school newsletter, or the lady bug study could be part of a local citizen science project. Because NDA have broader utility and the potential for impact outside the classroom experience, we can expect students to be more engaged with them than with disposable assessments.

This all sounds fine, but I would clarify a few points. Note that I’m using assignment and assessment interchangeably, and I prefer the latter.

  • We can contrive them in younger grades, but NDA really only become feasible as students develop expertise, which is probably why NDA are discussed almost exclusively in the context of higher education, from what I’ve seen.
  • These concepts mostly aren’t new. The complete opposite of NDA might be busy-work, a term we’re all familiar with and try to avoid as instructors. NDA concepts overlap with anti-busy-work ideas from K12, including authentic assessment and performance assessment, which favor tasks that derive meaning from realistic problems and context. The key difference with NDA is that it results in something of value outside the assessment process itself.
  • Often, disposable assessments are disposable for a reason. They’re designed to give students immediate practice in something they’ve likely never encountered before. Students may not be comfortable sharing their novice work via Instagram or Wikipedia entries. NDA adds exposure and thus external pressures that change the learning experience. NDA can also add constraints or extra requirements in format and style that detract from learning.

I like the idea of NDA. Really, any assessment should be designed to create as much value as possible, both within and outside the classroom experience. Educational technology and social media give students more opportunities than ever before to create and share content. Let’s use these tools to help students disseminate their work and contribute to the base of knowledge and resources, whenever such extended applications make sense.

That said, not every assessment can or should be NDA, and being so-called disposable doesn’t mean an assignment doesn’t matter. Wiley’s portrayal quoted above is kind of dramatic. At the very least, an assignment builds knowledge, skills, and abilities that inform next steps in the student’s own development. Often those next steps culminate in a larger project or portfolio of work. But, even if an assessment doesn’t have a tangible outcome, let’s not discount the value of intrinsic motivation in the completion of work that has no audience or recipient.

Is the Academic Achievement Gap a Racist Idea?

In this post I’m going to examine two of the main points from a 2016 article where Ibram Kendi argues that “the academic achievement gap between white and black students is a racist idea.” Similar arguments are made in this 2021 article from the National Education Association, which addresses “the racist beginnings of standardized testing.”

I agree that score gaps, our methods for measuring them, and our continuous discussion of them, can perpetuate educational inequities. Fixating on gaps can be counterproductive. However, I disagree somewhat with the claim from Kendi and others that the tests themselves are the main problem because, they argue, the tests 1) have origins in intelligence testing and 2) assess the wrong kinds of stuff.

Before I dig into these two points, a few preliminaries.

  • I recognize that the articles I’ve linked above are opinion pieces, intended to push the discussion forward while advocating for change, and that their formats may not allow for a comprehensive treatment of these points. My response has more to do with these points needing elaboration and context, and less to do with them being totally incorrect or unfounded.
  • NPR On Point did a series in 2019 on the achievement gap, with one of the interviews featuring Ibram Kendi and Prudence Carter, and both acknowledge the potential benefits of standardized testing. I recognize that Kendi’s 2016 article may not fully capture his perspective on gaps or testing.
  • The term achievement gap can hide the fact that differential academic performance by student group results from differential access and opportunity, the effects of which compound over time. I’ll use achievement here to be consistent with previous work.

Intelligence vs achievement

In his 2016 article, Kendi doesn’t make a clear distinction between intelligence and achievement. He transitions from the former to the latter while summarizing the history of standardized testing, but he refers to the achievement gap throughout, with the implication being that differences in intelligence are the same as, or close enough to, differences in achievement, such that they can be treated interchangeably.

Intelligence and achievement are two moderately correlated constructs, as far as we can measure them accurately. They overlap, but they aren’t the same. Achievement can be improved through teaching and learning, whereas intelligence is thought to be more stable over time (though the Flynn effect raises questions here). Achievement is usually linked to concrete content that is the focus of instruction (eg, fractions, reading comprehension), whereas intelligence is more related to abstract aptitudes (eg, memory, pattern recognition).

An achievement gap is then an average difference in achievement for two or more groups of students, typically measured via standardized tests, with groups defined based on student demographics like race or gender.

Data show that groups differ in variables related both to achievement and intelligence, but how and whether we can or need to interpret these group differences is up for debate. We set instructional and education policy goals based on achievement results. It’s not clear what we do with group differences in intelligence, which leads many to question the utility of analyzing intelligence by race, especially while attributing heritability (this Slate article by William Saletan summarizes the issue well).

Why is a distinction between constructs important? Because the limitations of intelligence testing don’t necessarily carry over into achievement. Both areas of testing involve standardization, but they differ in essential ways, including in design, content, administration, scoring, and use. Intelligence tests need not connect to a specific education system, whereas most achievement tests do (eg, see California content standards, the foundation of its annual end-of-year achievement tests, currently SBAC).

Both of the articles I linked at the start highlight some of the eugenic and racist origins of intelligence testing. Following the history into the 1960s and then 1990s, Kendi notes that genetic explanations for racial differences in intelligence have been disproven, but he still presents achievement testing and the achievement gap as a continuation of the original racist idea.

While intelligence as a construct is roughly 100 years old, standardized testing has actually been around for hundreds if not thousands of years (eg, Chinese civil service exams, from wikipedia). This isn’t to say achievement tests haven’t been used in racists ways in the US or elsewhere, but the methods themselves aren’t necessarily irredeemable simply because they resemble those used in intelligence testing.

Charles Murray, co-author on the controversial 1994 book The Bell Curve (mentioned by Kendi), also seems to conflate intelligence with achievement. Murray claims that persistent achievement gaps confirm his prediction that intelligence differences will remain relatively stable (see his comments at However, studies show that racial achievement gaps are to a large extent explained by other background variables and can be reduced through targeted intervention (summarized in this New York Magazine article, which is where I saw the Murray comments above; see also this article by Linda Darling-Hammond and this one by Prudence Carter). This research tells us achievement is malleable and should be treated separately from intelligence.

Kinds vs levels of achievement

Kendi and others argue that the contents of standardized tests don’t represent the kinds of achievement that are relevant to all students. The implication here is that differences in levels of achievement (ie, gaps) arise from biased test content, and can be explained by an absence of the kinds of achievement that are valued by or aligned with the experiences of underrepresented students. Kendi says:

Gathering knowledge of abstract items, from words to equations, that have no relation to our everyday lives has long been the amusement of the leisured elite. Relegating the non-elite to the basement of intellect because they do not know as many abstractions has been the conceit of the elite.

What if we measured literacy by how knowledgeable individuals are about their own environment: how much individuals knew all those complex equations and verbal and nonverbal vocabularies of their everyday life?

This sounds like culturally responsive pedagogy (here’s the wikipedia entry), where instruction, instructional materials, and even test content will seek to represent and engage students of diverse cultures and backgrounds. We should aim to teach with our entire student population in mind, especially underrepresented groups, rather than via one-size-fits-all approaches that default to tradition or the majority. But we’re still figuring out how this applies to standards-based systems. And, though culturally responsive pedagogy may be optimal, we don’t know that achievement gaps hinge on it.

While I have seen examples of standardized achievement tests that rely on outdated or irrelevant content, I haven’t seen evidence showing that gaps would reduce significantly if we measured different kinds of achievement. Kendi doesn’t reference any evidence to support this claim.

Continuing on this theme, Kendi targets standardized tests themselves as perpetuating a racial hierarchy. He says:

The testing movement does not value multiculturalism. The testing movement does not value the antiracist equality of difference. The testing movement values the racist hierarchy of difference, and its bastard 100-year-old child: the academic achievement gap.

This might be true to some extent, but if our tests are constructed to assess generally the content that is taught in schools, an achievement gap should result more from inequitable access to quality instruction in that content, or the appropriateness of that content, than from testing itself. In this case, other variables like high school grade point average and graduation rate will also reflect achievement gaps to some extent. So, it may be that the concern is more related to standardized education not valuing multiculturalism than standardized testing.

Whatever the reasons, I agree that multiculturalism hasn’t been a priority in the testing movement over the past century. This has bothered me since I started psychometric work over ten years ago. Standardization pushes us to materials devoid of context that is meaningful at the individual or subgroup levels. Fortunately, I am seeing more discussion of this issue in the educational and psychological measurement literature (eg, this article by Stephen Sireci) and am excited for the potential.

Final thoughts

Although my comments here have been critical of the anti-testing and anti-gap arguments, I agree with the general concern around how we discuss and interpret achievement gaps. I wouldn’t say that standardized testing is solely to blame, but I do question the utility in spending so much time measuring and reporting on achievement differences by student groups, especially when we know that these differences mostly reflect access and opportunity gaps. The pandemic has only heightened these concerns.

Returning to the question in the title of this post, is the academic achievement gap a racist idea, I would say, yes, sometimes. Gaps can be misinterpreted in racist ways as being heritable and immutable. To the extent that documenting achievement gaps contributes to inequities, I would agree that the process itself can become a racist one.

That said, research indicates that we can document and address achievement gaps in productive ways, in which case valid measurement is essential. As you might guess, I would aim for better testing instead of zero testing, including measures that are less standardized and more individualized and culturally responsive. The challenge here will be convincing test developers and users that we can move away from norm-referenced score comparisons without losing valuable information.

I didn’t really get into achievement gap research here, outside of a narrow critique of standardized testing. If you’re looking for more, I recommend the articles by Linda Darling-Hammond and Prudence Carter linked above, as well as the NPR On Point series. There’s also this 2006 article by Gloria Ladson-Billings based on her presidential address to the American Educational Research Association. Amy Stuart Wells continues the discussion in her 2019 presidential address, on Youtube.

Limitations of Implicit Association Testing for Racial Bias

Apparently, implicit association testing (IAT) has been overhyped. Much like grit and power posing, two higher profile letdowns in pop psychology, implicit bias seems to have attracted more attention than is justified by research. Twitter pointed me to a couple articles from 2017 that clarify the limitations of IAT for racial bias.

The Vox article covers these main points.

  • The IAT might work to assess bias in the aggregate, for a group of people or across repeated testing for the same person.
  • It can’t actually predict individual racial bias.
  • The limitations of the IAT don’t mean that racism isn’t real, just that implicit forms of it are hard to measure.
  • As a result, focusing on implicit bias may not help in fighting racism.

The second article from New York Magazine, The Cut, gives some helpful references and outlines a few measurement concepts.

There’s an entire field of psychology, psychometrics, dedicated to the creation and validation of psychological instruments, and instruments are judged based on whether they exceed certain broadly agreed-upon statistical benchmarks. The most important benchmarks pertain to a test’s reliability — that is, the extent to which the test has a reasonably low amount of measurement error (every test has some) — and to its validity, or the extent to which it is measuring what it claims to be measuring. A good psychological instrument needs both.

Reliability for the IAT appears to land below 0.50, based on test-retest correlations. Interpretations of reliability depend on context, there aren’t clear standards, but in my experience 0.60 is usually considered too low to be useful. Here, 0.50 would indicate that 50% of the observed variance in scores can be attributed to consistent and meaningful measurement, whereas the other 50% is unpredictable.

I haven’t seen reporting on the actual scores that determine whether someone has or does not have implicit bias. Psychometrically, there should be a scale, and it should incorporate decision points or cutoffs beyond which a person is reported to have a strong, weak, or negligible bias.

Until I find some info on scaling, let’s assume that the final IAT result is a z-score centered at 0 (no bias) with standard deviation of 1 (capturing the average variability). Reliability of 0.50, best case scenario, gives us a standard error of measurement (SEM) of 0.71. This tells us scores are expected to differ on average due to random noise by 0.71 points.

[Confidence Intervals in Measurement vs Political Polls]

Without knowing the score scale and how it’s implemented, we don’t know the ultimate impact of an SEM of 0.71, but we can say that score changes across much of the scale are uninterpretable. A score of +1, or one standard deviation above the mean, still contains 0 within its 95% confidence interval. A 95% confidence interval for a score of 0, in this case, no bias, ranges from -1.41 to +1.41.

The authors of the test acknowledge that results can’t be interpreted reliably at the individual level, but their use in practice suggests otherwise. I took the online test a few times (at and the score report at the end includes phrasing like, “your responses suggest a strong automatic preference…” This is followed by a disclaimer.

These IAT results are provided for educational purposes only. The results may fluctuate and should not be used to make important decisions. The results are influenced by variables related to the test (e.g., the words or images used to represent categories) and the person (e.g., being tired, what you were thinking about before the IAT).

The disclaimer is on track, but a more honest and transparent message would include a simple index of unreliability, like we see in reports for state achievement test scores.

Really though, if score interpretation at the individual level isn’t recommended, why are individuals provided with a score report?

Correlations between implicit bias scores and other variables, like explicit bias or discriminatory behavior, are also weaker than I’d expect given the amount of publicity the test has received. The original authors of the test reported an average validity coefficient (from meta analysis) of 0.236 (Greenwald, Poehlman, Uhlmann, & Banaji, 2009; Greenwald, Banaji & Nosek, 2015), whereas critics of the test reported a more conservative 0.148 (Oswald, Mitchell, Blanton, Jaccard, & Tetlock, 2013). At best, the IAT predicts 6% of the variability in measures of explicit racial bias, at worst, 2%.

The implication here is that implicit bias gets more coverage than it currently deserves. We don’t actually have a reliable way of measuring it, and even in aggregate form scores are only weakly correlated, if at all, with more overt measures of bias, discrimination, and stereotyping. Validity evidence is lacking.

This isn’t to say we shouldn’t investigate or talk about implicit racial bias. Instead, we should recognize that IAT may not produce the clean, actionable results that we’re expecting, and our time and resources may be better spent elsewhere if we want our trainings and education to have an impact.


Greenwald, A. G., Banaji, M. R., & Nosek, B. A. (2015). Statistically small effects of the Implicit Association Test can have societally large effects. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology108(4), 553–561.

Greenwald, A. G., Poehlman, T. A., Uhlmann, E. L., & Banaji, M. R. (2009). Understanding and using the Implicit Association Test: III. Meta-analysis of predictive validity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 97, 17– 41.

Oswald, F. L., Mitchell, G., Blanton, H., Jaccard, J., & Tetlock, P. E. (2013). Predicting ethnic and racial discrimination: A meta-analysis of IAT criterion studies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 105, 171–192.

When to Use Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha? An Overview and Visualization with R Code

This post follows up on a previous one where I gave a brief overview of so-called coefficient alpha and recommended against its overuse and traditional attribution to Cronbach. Here, I’m going to cover when to use alpha, also known as tau-equivalent reliability $\rho_T$, and when not to use it, with some demonstrations and plotting in R.

We’re referring to alpha now as tau-equivalent reliability because it’s a more descriptive label that conveys the assumptions supporting its use, again following conventions from Cho (2016).

As I said last time, these concepts aren’t new. They’ve been debated in the literature since the 1940s, with the following conclusions.

  1. $\rho_T$ underestimates the actual reliability when the assumptions of tau-equivalence aren’t met, which is likely often the case.
  2. $\rho_T$ is not an index of unidimensionality, where multidimensional tests can still produce strong reliability estimates.
  3. $\rho_T$ is sensitive to test length, where long tests can produce strong reliability estimates even when items are weakly related to one another.

For each of these points I’ll give a summary and demonstration in R.

Assuming tau equivalence

The main assumption in tau-equivalence is that, in the population, all the items in our test have the same relationship with the underlying construct, which we label tau or $\tau$. This assumption can be expressed in terms of factor loadings or inter-item covariances, where factor loadings are equal or covariances are the same across all pairs of items.

The difference between the tau-equivalent model and the more stringent parallel model is that the latter additionally constrains item variances to be equal whereas these are free to vary with tau-equivalence. The congeneric model is the least restrictive in that it allows both factor loadings (or inter-item covariances) and uniquenesses (item variances) to vary across items.

Tau-equivalence is a strong assumption, one that isn’t typically evaluated in practice. Here’s what can happen when it is violated. I’m simulating a test with 20 items that correlate with a single underlying construct to different degrees. At one extreme, the true loadings range from 0.05 to 0.95. At the other extreme, loadings are all 0.50. The mean of the loadings is always 0.50.

This scatterplot shows the loadings per condition as they increase from varying at the bottom, as permitted with the congeneric model, to similar at the top, as required by the tau-equivalent model. Tau-equivalent or coefficient alpha reliability should be most accurate in the top condition, and least accurate in the bottom one.

# Load tidyverse package
# Note the epmr and psych packages are also required
# psych in on CRAN, epmr is on GitHub at talbano/epmr

# Build list of factor loadings for 20 item test
ni <- 20
lm <- lapply(1:10, function(x)
  seq(0 + x * .05, 1 - x * .05, length = ni))

# Visualize the levels of factor loadings
tibble(condition = factor(rep(1:length(lm), each = ni)),
  loading = unlist(lm)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(loading, condition)) + geom_point()
Factor loadings across ten range conditions

For each of the ten loading conditions, the simulation involved generating 1,000 data sets, each with 200 test takers, and estimating congeneric and tau-equivalent reliability for each. The table below shows the means of the reliability estimates, labeled $\rho_T$ for tau-equivalent and $\rho_C$ for congeneric, per condition, labeled lm.

# Set seed, reps, and output container
reps <- 1000
sim_out <- tibble(lm = numeric(), rep = numeric(),
  omega = numeric(), alpha = numeric())

# Simulate via two loops, j through levels of
# factor loadings, i through reps
for (j in seq_along(lm)) {
  for (i in 1:reps) {
  # Congeneric data are simulated using the psych package
  temp <- psych::sim.congeneric(loads = lm[[j]],
    N = 200, short = F)
  # Alpha and omega are estimated using the epmr package
  sim_out <- bind_rows(sim_out, tibble(lm = j, rep = i,
    omega = epmr::coef_omega(temp$r, sigma = T),
    alpha = epmr::coef_alpha(temp$observed)$alpha))
lm $\rho_T$ $\rho_C$ diff
1 0.8662 0.8807 -0.0145
2 0.8663 0.8784 -0.0121
3 0.8665 0.8757 -0.0093
4 0.8668 0.8735 -0.0067
5 0.8673 0.8720 -0.0047
6 0.8673 0.8706 -0.0032
7 0.8680 0.8701 -0.0020
8 0.8688 0.8699 -0.0011
9 0.8686 0.8692 -0.0006
10 0.8681 0.8685 -0.0004
Mean reliabilities by condition

The last column in this table shows the difference between $\rho_T$ and $\rho_C$. Alpha or $\rho_T$ always underestimates omega or $\rho_C$, and the discrepancy is largest in condition lm 1, where the tau-equivalent assumption of equal loadings is most clearly violated. Here, $\rho_T$ underestimates reliability on average by -0.0145. As we progress toward equal factor loadings in lm 10, $\rho_T$ approximates $\rho_C$.


Tau-equivalent reliability is often misinterpreted as an index of unidimensionality. But $\rho_T$ doesn’t tell us directly how unidimensional our test is. Instead, like parallel and congeneric reliabilities, $\rho_T$ assumes our test measures a single construct or factor. If our items load on multiple distinct dimensions, $\rho_T$ will probably decrease but may still be strong.

Here’s a simple demonstration where I’ll estimate $\rho_T$ for tests simulated to have different amounts of multidimensionality, from completely unidimensional (correlation matrix is all 1s) to completely multidimensional across three factors (correlation matrix with three clusters of 1s). There are nine items.

The next table shows the generating correlation matrix for one of the 11 conditions examined. The three clusters of items (1 through 3, 4 through 6, and 7 through 9) always had perfect correlations, regardless of condition. The remaining off-cluster correlations were fixed within a condition to be 0.1, 0.2, … 1.0. Here, they’re fixed to 0.2. This condition shows strong multidimensionality, within the three factors, and a mild effect from a general factor, with the 0.2.

i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8 i9
i1 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
i2 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
i3 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
i4 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.2 0.2 0.2
i5 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.2 0.2 0.2
i6 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.2 0.2 0.2
i7 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0 1.0 1.0
i8 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0 1.0 1.0
i9 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0 1.0 1.0
Correlation matrix showing some multidimensionality

The simulation again involved generating 1,000 tests, each with 200 test takers, for each condition.

# This will print out the correlation matrix for the
# condition shown in the table above
psych::sim.general(nvar = 9, nfact = 3, g = .2, r = .8)

# Set seed, reps, and output container
reps <- 1000
dim_out <- tibble(dm = numeric(), rep = numeric(),
  alpha = numeric())

# Simulate via two loops, j through levels of
# dimensionality, i through reps
for (j in seq(0, 1, .1)) {
  for (i in 1:reps) {
    # Data are simulated using the psych package
    temp <- psych::sim.general(nvar = 9, nfact = 3,
      g = 1 - j, r = j, n = 200)
    # Estimate alpha with the epmr package
    dim_out <- bind_rows(dim_out, tibble(dm = j, rep = i,
      alpha = epmr::coef_alpha(temp)$alpha))

Results below show that mean $\rho_T$ starts out at 1.00 in the unidimensional condition dm1, and decreases to 0.75 in the most multidimensional condition dm11, where the off-cluster correlations were all 0.

The example correlation matrix above corresponds to dm9, showing that a relatively weak general dimension, with prominent group dimensions, still produces mean $\rho_T$ of 0.86.

dm1 dm2 dm3 dm4 dm5 dm6 dm7 dm8 dm9 dm10 dm11
1.000.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.89 0.86 0.81 0.75
Mean alphas for 11 conditions of multidimensionality

Test Length

The last demonstration shows how $\rho_T$ gets stronger despite weak factor loadings or weak relationships among items, as test length increases. I’m simulating tests containing 10 to 200 items. For each test length condition, I generate 1,000 tests using a congeneric model with all loadings fixed to 0.20.

# Set seed, reps, and output container
reps <- 100
tim_out <- tibble(tm = numeric(), rep = numeric(),
  alpha = numeric())

# Simulate via two loops, i through levels of
# test length, j through reps
for (j in 10:200) {
  for (i in 1:reps) {
    # Congeneric data are simulated using the psych package
    temp <- psych::sim.congeneric(loads = rep(.2, j),
      N = 200, short = F)
    tim_out <- bind_rows(tim_out, tibble(tm = j, rep = i,
      alpha = epmr::coef_alpha(temp$observed)$alpha))

The plot below shows $\rho_T$ on the y-axis for each test length condition on x. The black line captures mean alpha and the ribbon captures the standard deviation over replications for a given condition.

# Summarize with mean and sd of alpha
tim_out %>% group_by(tm) %>%
  summarize(m = mean(alpha), se = sd(alpha)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(tm, m)) + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = m - se, 
    ymax = m + se), fill = "lightblue") +
  geom_line() + xlab("test length") + ylab("alpha")
Alpha as a function of test length when factor loadings are fixed at 0.20

Mean $\rho_T$ starts out low at 0.30 for test length 10 items, but surpasses the 0.70 threshold once we hit 56 items. With test length 100 items, we have $\rho_T$ above 0.80, despite having the same weak factor loadings.

When to use tau-equivalent reliability?

These simple demonstrations highlight some of the main limitations of tau-equivalent or alpha reliability. To recap:

  1. As the assumption of tau-equivalence will rarely be met in practice, $\rho_T$ will tend to underestimate the actual reliability for our test, though the discrepancy may be small as shown in the first simulation.
  2. $\rho_T$ decreases somewhat with departures from unidimensionality, but stays relatively strong even with clear multidimensionality.
  3. Test length compensates surprisingly well for low factor loadings and inter-item relationships, producing respectable $\rho_T$ after 50 or so items.

The main benefit of $\rho_T$ is that it’s simpler to calculate than $\rho_C$. Tau-equivalence is thus recommended when circumstances like small sample size make it difficult to fit a congeneric model. We just have to interpret tau-equivalent results with caution, and then plan ahead for a more comprehensive evaluation of reliability.


Cho, E. (2016). Making reliability reliable: A systematic approach to reliability coefficients. Organizational Research Methods, 19, 651-682.

An Intro to Test Score Equating, What it is, When to Use it

In this post I’ll answer some frequently asked questions about equating and address common misconceptions about when to use it.

My research on equating mostly examines its application in less than ideal situations, for example, with low stakes, small samples, and shorter tests. I’ve consulted on a variety of operational projects involving equating in formative assessment systems. And I have an R package for observed-score equating, available on CRAN (Albano, 2016).

What is equating?

Equating is a statistical procedure used to create a common measurement scale across two or more forms of a test. The main objective in this procedure is to control statistically for difficulty differences so that scores can be used interchangeably across forms.

In essence, with equating, if some test takers have a more difficult version of a test, they’ll get bonus points. Conversely, if we develop a new test form and discover it to be easier than previous ones, we can also take points away from new test takers. In each case, we’re aiming to establish more fair comparisons. In commercial testing operations, test takers aren’t aware of the score adjustments because they don’t see the raw score scale.

How does equating work?

The input to equating is test scores, whether at the item level or summed across items, and the result is a conversion function that expresses scores from one test form on the scale of the other. Equating works by estimating differences in score distributions, with varying levels of granularity and complexity. If we can assume that the groups assigned to take each form are equivalent or matched with respect to our target construct, any differences in their test score distributions can be attributed to differences in the forms themselves, and our estimate of those differences can be used for score adjustments.

A handful of equating functions are available, increasing in complexity from no equating to item response theory (IRT) functions that incorporate item data. Here’s a summary of the non-IRT functions, also referred to as observed-score equating methods.

Identity equating

Identity equating is no equating, where we assume that score distributions only differ due to noise that we can’t or don’t want to estimate. This is a strong assumption and our potential for bias is maximized. Conversely, we often can’t estimate an equating function because our sample size is too small, so identity becomes the default with insufficient sample sizes (e.g., below 30).

Mean equating

Mean equating applies a constant adjustment to all scores based on the mean difference between score distributions. We’re only estimating means, so sample size requirements are minimized (e.g., 30 or more), but potential for bias is high, where the mean adjustment can be inappropriate for very low or high scoring test takers.

Circle-arc equating

Circle-arc equating is identity equating in the tails of the score scale but mean equating at the mean. It gives us an arching compromise between the two. Assumptions are weaker than with identity, so potential for bias is less and sample size requirements are still low (e.g., 30 or more). Circle-arc also has the practical advantage of automatically truncating the minimum and maximum scores, rather than allowing them to extend beyond the score scale, as can happen with mean or linear equating.

Linear equating

Linear equating adjusts scores via an intercept and slope, as opposed to just the intercept from mean equating. As a result, the score conversion can either grow or shrink from the beginning to the end of the scale. For example, lower scoring test takers could receive a small increase while higher scoring test takers receive a larger one. In this case, test forms differ differentially across the scale. With the additional estimation of the standard deviation (to obtain the slope), potential for bias is decreased but sample sizes should be larger than with the simpler functions (e.g., 100 or more).

Equipercentile equating

Finally, equipercentile equating adjusts for form difficulty differences at each score point, using estimates of the distribution functions for each form. Interpolation and smoothing are used to fill in any gaps, as we’d see with unobserved score points. Because we’re estimating form difficulty differences at the score level, sample size requirements are maximized (e.g., 200 or more), whereas bias is null.

Comparing observed-score functions

I’ve listed the observed-score functions roughly in order of increasing complexity, with identity and mean equating being the simplest and equipercentile being the most complex. The more estimation involved, the more complex the method, and the more test takers we need to support that estimation.

Equipercentile equating is optimal, if you have the data to support it. My advice is to aim for equipercentile equating and then revert to simpler methods if conditions require.

Raw (black) vs smoothed (red) score distributions


Smoothing is a statistical approach to reducing irregularities in our score distributions prior to equating (called pre-smoothing), or in the score conversion function itself after equating (called post-smoothing). Smoothing is really only necessary with equipercentile equating, as the other observed-score methods incorporate smoothing indirectly via their simplifying assumptions.

I’ve never seen a situation where some amount of smoothing wasn’t necessary prior to implementing equipercentile equating. Usually, it will only help if correctly applied. For the record, I didn’t use smoothing in my first publication on equating (Albano & Rodriguez, 2011) which was a mistake.

Equating vs IRT

Item response theory provides a built-in framework for equating. IRT parameters for test takers and test items are assumed to be invariant, within a linear transformation, over different administration groups and test forms. A linear transformation can put parameters onto the same scale when IRT models are estimated for two separate groups. If we estimate an IRT model using an incomplete data matrix, where not everyone sees all the same items, parameters are directly estimated onto the same scale.

This contrasts with observed-score equating, which mostly ignores item data and instead estimates differences using total scores.

Because IRT can adjust for difficulty differences at the item level, it tends to be more flexible but also more complex than observed-score methods. Sample size requirements vary by IRT model (e.g., from 100 to 1000 or more).

Equating vs linking

People use different terms to label the process of estimating conversions from one score distribution to another. There are detailed taxonomies outlining when the conversion should be referred to as equating vs linking vs scaling (see Kolen & Brennan, 2014). Linking is the most generic term, though equating is more commonly used.

In the end, it’s how we obtain data for the score conversions, through study design and test development, that determines the type of score conversion we get and how we can interpret it. The actual functions themselves change little or not at all across a taxonomy.

When to use equating?

The simple answer here is, we should always use equating as long as our sample size and study design support it. The danger in equating is that we might introduce more error into score interpretations because of inaccurate estimation. If our sample sizes are too small (e.g., below 30) or our study design lacks control or consistency (e.g., non-random assignment to test forms), equating may be problematic.

What about sample size?

Although simpler equating functions require smaller sample sizes, there are no clear guidelines regarding how many test takers are needed, mostly because sample size requirements depend on score scale length (the number of score points, typically based on the length of the test) and our tolerance for standard error and bias.

Score scale length is often not considered in planning an equating study, but should be. A sample size of 100 goes a long way with a limited score scale (e.g., 10 points) but is less optimal with a longer one (e.g., 50 points). In the former case, all our score points will likely be represented well making it more feasible to use complex equating methods, whereas in the latter case our data become more sparse and simpler methods may be needed.


Albano, A. D. (2016). equate: An R package for observed-score linking and equating. Journal of Statistical Software, 74(8), 1–36.

Albano, A. D., & Rodriguez, M. C. (2012). Statistical equating with measures of oral reading fluency. Journal of School Psychology, 50, 43–59.

Kolen, M. J., & Brennan, R. L. (2014). Test equating, scaling, and linking. New York, NY: Springer.

Article in Frontiers in Education

My colleagues and I recently published an open-access article in Frontiers in Education titled Contextual Interference Effects in Early Assessment: Evaluating the Psychometric Benefits of Item Interleaving. We looked at how interleaving as opposed to blocking items by task affects the psychometric properties of a test.

Here’s the abstract and link to the full text.

Research has shown that the context of practice tasks can have a significant impact on learning, with long-term retention and transfer improving when tasks of different types are mixed by interleaving (abcabcabc) compared with grouping together in blocks (aaabbbccc). This study examines the influence of context via interleaving from a psychometric perspective, using educational assessments designed for early childhood. An alphabet knowledge measure consisting of four types of tasks (finding, orienting, selecting, and naming letters) was administered in two forms, one with items blocked by task, and the other with items interleaved and rotating from one task to the next by item. The interleaving of tasks, and thereby the varying of item context, had a negligible impact on mean performance, but led to stronger internal consistency reliability as well as improved item discrimination. Implications for test design and student engagement in educational measurement are discussed.

The plots below show item difficulty (on the left) and discrimination (right) for 20 items. Plotting characters represent the task for each item, abbreviated as F, O, S, and N (letter finding, orienting, selecting, and naming, respectively), with results from the blocked administration on the x-axis and interleaving on the y-axis.

Our sample sizes (50 for blocked and 55 for interleaving) didn’t support item-level comparisons, but the overall trends are still interesting. Item difficulties don’t appear to change consistently but discriminations do seem to increase overall for interleaved.